Bareroot Fruit Trees in Stock Ending soon.

gardenia Aimee Yoshiba

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  • $8.95



Showy evergreen shrub with glossy, dark green foliage, bearing beautiful fragrant flowers during spring and summer. Makes an ideal garden shrub or pot specimen and does well in a sunny or part-shaded spot. Ideally they are suited to morning sun followed by dappled afternoon shade. Gardenias are acid loving, preferring a rich well drained position and respond well to a light prune after flowering, this will encourage luxurious new growth.

Gardenia augusta ‘Aimee Yoshiba’

·        Large, double white flowers

·        Height – 1 to 1.2m

·        Width – 1m

·        Heavily perfumed

·        Ideal for pot or garden specimen

·        Shelter from heat, wind and frost