Golf Ball Pittosporum 140mm-200mm

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An existing new generation of Pittosporum, Golf Ball is a vigorous grower, yet stays very compact and round with little pruning. Branching freely from its base, Golfball develops a very dense, multi-stemmed shape. Pittosporum Golfball has bright mint-green glossy leaves with small, inconspicuous chocolate-purple flowers in late spring/early summer. This evergreen specimen is low maintenance, staying around 80cm tall x 80cm wide.


Key Features:

Pittosporum Golf Ball is a small growing Pittosporum that requires no trimming or pruning. Golfball is easily the best hedging plant in the country!



Pittosporum Golf Ball can withstand periodic drought once established, and has excellent tolerance to wind and heavy rains. Plant Golf Ball out in the full sun or part shade. Part shade is best in hot, dry climates. Pittosporum Golfball is seriously low maintenance, naturally forming a low dense hedge without trimming. If desired, it can be trimmed to shape.


Plant Landscape:


Pittosporum Golfball is ideal for foundation plantings, as a specimen plant, or to replace boxwoods as a hedge in small formal borders. Golfball works well as a container or patio planting.


  • Max Height: 80 cm
  • Size: 80cm x 80cm
  • Position: Full sun to part Shade