Bareroot Fruit Trees in Stock Ending soon.

Plum - Sugar Plum 330mm Pot

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  • $69.95

Sugar Plum

DESCRIPTION: Extremely sweet, yellow fleshed fruit with red to dark red skin. Heavy and regular bearer of small fruit, long-oval in shape. 

MATURITY: Mid to late season maturity.

SUGGESTED POLLINATORS: Green Gage, Coe's Golden Drop, Robe de Sergeant Prune, Damson

 Used for fresh fruit, drying and jam. An upright spreading tree.

 Plant in a sunny position with well drained and well worked soil. Take care to plant the bud union above the soil level. Water in well and keep soil moist until tree is established. Fertilise when planting and again after new growth appears. Prune tree when planting to encourage new growth.